Sunday, January 15, 2006

Super List: All Shows Attended

An attempt to list every LIVE show I saw from 1970-2006.

For now, the acts are listed randomly, as they came to mind, without much rearranging, though date corrections and gig o'bites have been and will be added.

One commenter saw many of the same shows in the San Francisco area as I did, and more besides.

I'm not saying I out-attended everyone of my peer group, in fact I went sporadically during much of my life, because I didn't have a lot of extra money for tix.
Especially when I was in my teens, mainly buying old comics and first printing underground comix with my limited earnings.

Then in the '80s, refreshed by seeing Blondie twice on the same night in 1977; The Jam and Roxy Music on the same night in 1979 at nearby venues (see poster below)... I ramped up my live gig attendence in several ways: working at The Stone nightclub; winning tix off of college radio stations (thanks KUSF!); and volunteering as an Usher for Bill Graham shows such as The Kinks at Berkeley Community Theatre.
In fact, the first ticket I ever won was for The Kinks, in 1977, from KRQR.

Here are the days... and nights, that I can recall:

Jimi Hendrix 1970 early show Berkeley Community Theater
James Taylor/Carol King 1971 Cow Palace
ELO / Deep Purple 1974 Cow Palace
Led Zeppelin /The Tubes 1973 Kezar Stadium
Mott the Hoople /Family 1970 Fillmore West
The Kinks (4 shows from '71 to '88)
Jerry Garcia & Tom Fogerty 1971 Harding Theatre
Black Crowes 1990 Oakland OMNI
Toxic Reasons 1983 On Broadway, Mab
John Cipollina -
QMS 1970 FW; Copperhead '73 GG Park Bandshell; '75 Aquatic Park;
Freelight Pam Tillis '77; 1-1-78 Old Waldorf: Zero '87 Fillmore w/Naomi Eisenberg
Hot Tuna & Allman Bros 1971 FW, 5 mid-'70s shows

X 1984 Old Waldorf
XTC 1981 The Stone
Stranglers 1981 The Stone
Undertones 1981 The Stone, Keystone Palo Alto
Echo & The Bunnymen 1981 Old Waldorf
U2 1981 Old Waldorf, 1981 California Hall
Stiff Little Fingers 1981 Stone (singer at our record party after gig)
SVT, Contractions, Stray Cats, Romeo Void
Readymades, Naomi Vice, Midnight Sun
Devo 1984 Civic Center
Three O'Clock & The Bangles 1984 The Stone, GG Park Bandshell
Rain Parade 1984 Oasis
Beau Brummels 1984 Oasis

Cecil Taylor 1979 Jazz Workshop (No. Beach club)
Pentangle 1986 Great American
Tom Petty & Carl Perkins 1997 Fillmore
Bob Dylan 1982 (?) Slow Train Comin' Tour- Warfield
Bob Dylan/Grateful Dead 7-24-1987 Oakland Col
George Harrison 1974 Cow Palace with Ravi Shankar
Rolling Stones 1981 (Tattoo Tour) Candlestick Park
The Who/The Clash 1983 Oakland Col
Bowie 1983 Oakland Col
Grandmaster Flash & Furious Five 1982 Old Waldorf

Flamin' Groovies 1970 Family Dog, 1980 Temple Beautiful, 1981 Stone 1986 VIP Club

Grateful Dead/Miles Davis Quintet 1970 FW -my first live show
Jefferson Airplane 1970 Winterland (the night Janis died)
Moby Grape 1986 (?) Union Square (with Skip Spence)
Love 1978 Old Waldorf (with Brian Maclean)
Paul McCartney 1989 Berkeley

Siouxsie & The Banshees 1981 I-Beam
New Order 1981 I-Beam, Warfield
James Brown 1981 The Stone
VKTMS 1981 Mab
Pere Ubu 1981

Carl Perkins 1979
Mott The Hoople, & Family 1970 FW
Van Morrison 1973 Lion's Share + SF club
Steve Miller Band 1970 FW

Hüsker Dü 1984 I-Beam
The Jam 1979 Oakland, 1981 Warfield
Plasmatics 1981 Stone
Lyres '86-'88 I-Beam...
Gary Neuman 1982 WARFIELD
Buzzcocks/Dead Kennedys 1979 Temple Beautiful
Gang of Four/Buzzcocks 1979 Temple
Delta Five 1981 Savoy Tivoli
Ramones 1981 Oakland
Pointed Sticks, Offs, Malaise
Peter Tosh 1977 Berkeley Greek
English Beat 1981 Warfield

Dan Hicks & the Hot Licks various early '70s
Teardrop Explodes, Soft Boys,
Nick Lowe, Loons, New Riders,
P.I.L. 1981 SOMA Cultural Center
Yardbirds 2002 330 Ritch St. club
Pretty Things 2000 Bimbo's
Coasters/Shirelles 1986 Calistoga
REM 1984 Warfield, 1985
Green On Red, Game Theory 1985
Toxic Reasons 1983
Mutants 1981
Dead Kennedys 1981
Bauhaus 1982 Berkeley Square
Fear 1983 Old Waldorf
Roy Loney and Cyril Jordan, DNA 1991
Flipper, Dwarves, Ultravox,
Richard Hell & The Voidoids 1982 Old Waldorf
John Cale 1981 Old Waldorf
The Slits 1981 The Stone

Sky Saxon/She Mob Halloween 1999 Purple Onion
Sneetches, Penelope Houston,
Magazine, Mummies, Mermen,
Mentors, Electric Prunes, Mojo Men

Chocolate Watchband, The Zeros
Phantom Movers, Mechanical Bride
Jim Carroll, Chris Issac & Silvertone

Unclaimed, Morlocks, Chesterfield Kings
Phantom Surfers, Ventures, VS.
Eye Protection, Trashwomen
White Trash Debutantes

Todd Rundgren 1973 GG Park
Blondie/Nuns 1977 Old Waldorf
Roxy Music 1979 Oakland
The Go Gos 1980 Temple Beautiful
Soul Agents 1988 Morty's Fuzz Club
Sylvester 1970 Palace Theatre
Trixx 1980 Ye Rose & Thistle
Miracle Workers 1986 Farm, Swedish American Hall
The Fall 1984, Dickies 1981
Fuzztones 1988 I-Beam
Pandoras 1985 Mabuhay

Frank Zappa 1976 Winterland
Red Hot Chili Peppers 1986 I-Beam
The Red Legs 1977 Sausalito
Big White 1976 Sausalito
1st Lollapalooza

Lollipop, Loons, 5 6 7 & 8s: Purple Onion '99
Count Backwards, Dukes of Hamburg "

Tribal Stomp 1977 Berkeley Greek
OMD, Leila & the Snakes, The Cult
Pearl Harbor, The Termites
Cramps, Punts, Lewd
D.O.A. 1981 The Stone
Star Spangled + Cyril Jordan 2002 Avalon
Starlight Desperation 1999 Purple Onion

Neil Young 1992 (?) Shoreline
Jerry Garcia Band 1981 Stone
Jefferson Airplane reunion 1991 GG Park
Grateful Dead 1973 Cow Palace (Wall of Sound debut)
Starship/Grateful Dead 1975 Lindley Meadows
500 frisbees tossed when Ride The Tiger started.
Grateful Dead - several times with NRPS in 1970 at FW 1970,
the infamous freak-out at Winterland 1971 (?), Winterland 1977 (snuck in),
several times in the '80s in the East Bay, Bill Graham wake at GG Park 1991(?)
with John Fogerty

Can't remember all the bands
I saw when I worked at
The Stone, Morty's & Purple Onion...

or all the bands I saw at:

Deaf Club, Back Door, X's
10th St. Project, Project Artaud
Garden of Earthly Delights
Tool & Die, Ye Rose & Thistle
Chatterbox, Graffiti, Bruno's

Were you at any of the above?
Name that show!


  1. Hey, you left out Frank Hymng. I played with SVT at The People's Temple. I auditioned for The Dead Kennedys with Klaus, East Bay Ray and Bruce -- Jello wasn't there. Dirk Dirksen was our producer. Check out a recent interview I gave in a British Video Webzine here:

  2. I've been to many of those shows and more. I'm pretty sure the Buzzcocks shows were in '79. I remember Dead Kennedys and Pointed Sticks opened the Temple Beautiful show and the DKs only played 2 songs because someone took Jello's shoes and he wouldn't sing till he got them back. The night with Gang of Four was amazing... I was right down in front and it was hot as hell.
    I still have the Edge's setlist which I swiped off the stage after U2 played the Old Waldorf. Do you remember that they didn't know enough songs so they played "I Will Follow" again for the encore?

  3. rsg, yeah, that's right, Jello dived into the crowd and got mad when someone slipped off his shoes!

    Aww, that's what he got for wearing Gucci loafers (I kid!)

    All I remember about the Old Waldorf U2 show is Bono talking about how the audience danced like crazy on the spring-supported floor at the Santa Cruz show.

    Do you remember where The Buzzcocks played with Gang of Four?
    I recall it was shortly after the Temple show - about a month or 2 later.
    I remember people saying Gang of Four blew the Buzzcocks off the stage.
    Maybe they saw more relevance in the Gang of Four's political lyrics than the Buzzcocks'subjective angst.

  4. Buzzcocks/Gang of Four was at the Geary Temple in Sept 79 then Buzzcocks/Pointed Sticks/DKs also at the Temple in Dec 79.

    I came across this recent quote by Gang of Four drummer Hugo Burnham: "One show in particular was the high point emotionally for me: when we played the Geary Temple in San Francisco during that first 1979 tour, supporting The Buzzcocks. It was the hottest night in the city for about 20 years. The place had a 1,600 capacity, but there were well over 2,000 people in there. It was cripplingly hot and crammed. Expectations were running high. Robert Fripp talks about those moments when you are so transported beyond yourself that you stop thinking about what you're playing, and then anything you play becomes seamless, perfect, almost orgasmic -- and we hit that as a band that night. People still come up to me and talk about how that show changed their lives."

    Pretty cool! Not sure it changed my life, but it's one of the shows I remember most vividly.

    I think Gang of Four was funkier, more energetic - lead singer careering around the stage like a madman - and more daring, which is why many thought they blew away the Buzzcocks. Plus, as Burnham attests, they were really "on" that night. I didn't see it that way though because I was just so excited to see the Buzzcocks live and in person.

  5. Thanks for setting the scene on those 1st SF Buzzcocks gigs.

    So even (Hugo Burnham, drummer of) Gang of Four recalled that show as a stand-out.

    That helps explain why people went head over heels (hello Jello...) that nite!

    Life-changing shows for me would include:

    Flamin' Groovies /Sopwith Camel at Family Dog on Great Highway (1970 or '71);

    Blondie /Nuns 1977 Old Waldorf - My 1st punk show!
    If you were at the early show, they let people stay for the late show.
    The Nuns fans pogoing in front of the stage (all 2 of them) got in a row with Clem Burke (Blondie drummer).
    Then the fans trashed the dressing room...
    The Nuns were pulled from the following night at the Old Waldorf.

    But Debbie was jumping around the stage, and The Nuns were suitably sinister... great night, lots of energy as though anything might happen - fighting between fans and band, rallying cries of "kill the hippies!" by those same ones acting up!

    The Jam//Roxy Music 1979 - (see poster above).

    I saw The Jam again in 1980 and 1981 (Warfield) but they were really on that night in Oakland, 1979.

    I think later they were less thrilled touring, and were sick of each other...

    They were still belting out anthems at the '80 and '81 shows but in '79 on Bill Graham's stage, it seemed they were united against the corporate rock world, and the adult world in general...

    Paul Weller told the Oakland audience that night "We'll sort this out!" - sounding defiant, fully aware of the get 'em in, get 'em out, must-maintain-security control trip that typified big game promoters booking punk acts into their shrines...
    "you can play here but we're in charge, only tolerating you for the money... "

    The Jam weren't being pushed around like some side show freaks, they were cutting through the crap, with elegance...
    It felt inclusive, they weren't cynics looking down their noses at the fans.
    That night the kids were united.

    Anyone who saw a great punk/rock show at one time or another must have felt something like that...

    I feel I've seen a lot of shows over the years when something like that was in the air... often when bands were first breaking out, not yet settling into a comfortable, familiar routine.

    As Jim Osborne would say, "Stay horny!"

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